Happy women's history

Happy women's history month. We’re committed to transforming you from the outside-in this new decade. We value your readership over the past year.

In this edition of the New Waves of Learning, we share key highlights from the 21st edition of our HRBP Meet-Up. We also have insights on how to gain future-ready skills and how your business can adapt quickly. Lastly, the term "talent war" is a buzzword that is constantly used in business today, how do you win this war?

See link to the articles below, enjoy reading!

Key highlights from the 21st edition of OutsideIn HR's HRBP Meet-Up®️.
Olumide Sholanke (Human Resources Director, Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling Company) delivered an inspiring session at our HRBP Meet-Up which highlighted six specific areas in which Human Resource Business Partners (HRBPs) can help their organisations win in the market-place while driving value creation. These include Customer Focus, Capability Development, Performance Management, Authenticity, Inclusion through Diversity and Agility. All important areas of focus for Human Resources. We are grateful to Mr. Sholanke for taking out time and we are sure our HRBP Meet-Up®️ participants have gone back with valuable learnings. View the Q4 HRBP Meet-Up®️ pictures here
How can you Gain Future-Ready Skills?
New skills are constantly emerging; hence you need to skill up in order to remain relevant. You can set the pace in your clique by becoming an Accelium certified gamification facilitator. Gamification is a goldmine that many HR professionals are yet to tap into. Our Growth Center, not only equips you with the top skills that matter in 2020 and beyond, but also enables you to train others and boost your professional brand. Download the catalog here. Download the program calendar here. To participate in the certification, email growthcentre@outsideinhrng.com
Businesses are Adapting Quickly: Is Yours?
It is not unusual for you to adopt new changes that you feel will be beneficial to your organisation in the year. With change comes challenges because not everyone can see through your lens. The ability to successfully engage stakeholders in a VUCA world is rapidly becoming a key determinant of sustainability. For you to drive success in an unpredictable world, you need to understand and adopt agile principles with an agile mindset. Explore the Agile Move teaser here. To book a demo session with us, send a mail to info@outsideinhrng.com
Four Ways to Win the Talent War
Most high-maturity organisations have something in common and that is an excellent employee experience. Research shows that 90% of these organizations use workplace values as a basis for hiring. The workforce is going through the largest shift in decades. This is not expected to abate as we are in a skills economy with high expectations from employees. Click here to read about the four ways to win the talent war.