Curated Programs

We have executed several learning programs which are customized to clients' needs and exceed client's expectations by connecting & addressing the challenges of teams and utilizing experiential learning tools with high level facilitator engagement.

Our curated programs include cross-functional collaboration programs, leadership development programs, HR Business partnering programs, and development centres.

Clients Feedback

Thank you for an amazing experience with you and your team on the roll-out of the Bamboo Leadership Journey with our management team. We are looking at replicating an abridged version of the bamboo leadership journey for the new business units.

I would like to reiterate my earlier expression of appreciation for the professional handling of the HR masterclass... I thought we had a very rewarding learning experience and the delivery was masterful.

Thank you so much Ngozi and Malini for an amazing journey so far. We have started to see some good progress in the team dynamics especially in having more courageous conversations with ourselves.

Thank you very much... I applaud on my behalf and that of my team the fantastic work you and your team carried out at our Uyo retreat.
Thank you again.

Hogan Assessments

OutsideIn HR in partnership with ThreeFish Consulting present Hogan Assessments to the Nigerian community.

Hogan use assessment data on personality from over 180 countries globally spooled over 30 years to predict workplace performance. These assessments are applied for talent acquisition and talent development.

General Employability

General Employability uses a streamlined, brief assessment to provide a visual representation of a candidate’s basic ability to do the job.

The quick snapshot displays how employable a candidate is based on their

  • People skills
  • Learning skills
  • Work ethic, along with a fit recommendation and customized
    interview questions.

Price: N7,500 (Seven Thousand, Five Hundred Naira)

Hogan Configure:

Hogan Configure is the only competency solution that puts our predictive power and scientific rigor at your fingertips. Using a simple, but robust web-based platform, Hogan

Configure’s three-step process helps you determine key attributes, qualities, and skills, allowing you to evaluate potential talent in prospective and incumbent employees.


Start from scratch, or from a pre-designed job family template that predicts what it takes to get the job done.


Add or remove personalized competencies to capture the nuances of a particular position or organizational culture, or bring us your own model and we will map it in the tool for you.


View candidates side by side to understand the strengths and shortcomings each brings to the table, and who stands out.

Price: N7,500 (Seven Thousand, Five Hundred Naira)

Leadership Assessments

We also administer and debrief Hogan Leadership Assessments which includes:

Hogan Personality

The Hogan personality (HPI) describles normal, or bright-side personality-qualities that describe how we relate to others when we are at our best. Whether your goal is to find the right hire or develop stronger leaders, assessing normal personality gives you valuable insight into how people work, how they lead, and how successful they will be.

Contact us for cost

Hogan Development

The Hogan Development Survey (HDS) describles the dark side of pesnality - qualities that emerge in times of increased strain and can disrupt relationships, damage reputations, and derail peoples` chances of success.
By assessing dark-side personality, you can recognize and mitigate performance risk before they become problem.

Contact us for cost

motives, values,
preferances inventory

The Motives, Valuesm Preferences Inventory (MVPI) describes personality from the side - the core goals, values, drivers, and interests that determine what we desire and strive to attain. By assessing values, you can understand what motivates candidates to succeed, and in what type of position, job, and environment they will be the most productive.

Contact us for cost

Hogan assessments are trusted by 75% of Fortune 500 companies and have proven
to reduce employee turnover by 61%.

Team Building & Retreats

Team work is mandatory for a result driven, high performing and nurturing working environment. It is therefore imperative to put in place ways of growing and enhancing team work in every organization and one major way is having team members engage in theme-based team building program. The theme-based team building activities challenge team members to solve tasks at hand and in the process learn vital skills necessary for a good team. It also provide opportunities to share ideas in a fun and relaxed environment.

At OutsideIn HR, we have curated engaging and insightful team activities that flavour your team building and retreat experience. We combine a mix of strategic activities which are aligned with your organizational objectives and adapt them to team building goals to tune up the morale of your employees.

Celemi Business Simulations

Business simulation is a realistic and engaging learning experience. People are made to understand new concepts, change behaviour and improve performance using a practical method. People learn by doing.

The CELEMI learning by doing approach secures highly motivated participants and the board based simulation guarantees a very high level of interaction. This process helps participants understand what it takes to pull in the same direction as ones company – as well as what levers to pull and how to bring new skills and insights into reality.

Celemi Cayenne

In Celemi Cayenne, participants identify and address critical and typical project challenges – stakeholder management, resource allocation and securing optimum business value.
Celemi Cayenne is the secret ingredient for securing project success.
Target Group: Project Managers, Business Executives, Content Provider Consultants, Experts, End Users and Support Personnels
Duration: 4- 8hours
Class Size: 25 Participants
Key Concepts:
Aligning & Involving a Project Team
Stakeholder Management
Decision Making
Project Management
Resource Allocation

Celemi Apples and Oranges

Celemi Apples & Oranges helps participants understand business finance and acumen in a practical and engaging way.
• Participants learn where costs are incurred and revenue is generated in a business by running a company over a period of three (3) years.
• Participants form the incoming management team of A&O Inc. – an established company that is facing some tough challenges. The team tracks the company from mediocrity to excellence.
• Participants learn how to monitor cash-flow, choose the best financial strategy, make resource utilization and productivity improvements. Participants also learn how to measure the results in the balance sheet and income statement.
Target Group: Employees at all levels
Anybody who will gain from learning about business finance
Duration: 6 - 8 hours
Class Size: 25 Participants
Key Concepts:
Business Acumen
Financial Literacy
Cash Management
Working Capital
Operational Decision- Making
Capacity Utilization

Celemi Exploring Change

In Celemi Exploring Change, participants discover the key success factors to building greater “openness” to change in their organisational resistance and how to successfully drive change initiatives.
The exercise is a dialog that addresses the human side of change and teaches participants how to navigate the change curve.
CELEMI Celemi Exploring Change provides abilities essential for business success and survival in a VUCA world.
Target Group: Employees in leadership
Employees on a leadership track
Duration: 4 - 7 hours
Class Size: 25 Participants
Key Concepts:
Change Management Awareness,
Change Implementation
Leadership Skills
Organizational resistance

The Medici Game

The Medici Game simulation is based on the bestselling book “The Medici Effect” by Frans Johansson.
It allows participants to take a fascinating journey to the Intersection – a place where ideas from different fields and cultures meet and collide, ultimately igniting an explosion of extraordinary new innovations.

Use Medici when you want to:
• Inspire people to think outside of the box and realize their own ability to be innovative.
• Reach a shared understanding through dialog and discovery.
• Create an innovative environment and support a cultural shift throughout the organization.
• Kick off a conference, project or other initiative and open people’s minds.
Key Themes: Innovation and Creativity
Tarrget Group: Employees at all levels in all types of organisation
Number of Partipants: 4 - 1000.
Duration: 3-4 hours

Celemi Performance

Celemi Performance helps employees to see opportunities in challenging business times.
In Celemi Performance, participants develop a shared understanding of what their organization is up against in terms of competition – and unite around the way forward to ramp up performance. At the end of the day, participants create a broad, shared understanding of the key issues and factors that influence their business performance.
Key Themes:
Decision Making
Decision making
Target Group: Managers and employees at all levels
Duration: 4 hours
Class Size: 25 Participants
Key Concept:
Customer Segmentation, Value- added Services
Strategy, Product Life Cycles, Short term vs Long term Profitability
Supply Chain Efficiency, Disruptive Technologies

Celemi Sales Endeavour

Celemi Sales Endeavour enables participants learn and apply a repeatable process for developing and executing a successful sales campaign. Celemi Sales Endeavour helps increase sales, improve close rates, reduce times ,and provides management greater insight into the organisation's sales pipeline.
In Celemi Sales Endeavor, participants engage in a case based project, ensuring particpant choose the most productive and profitable opportunities to pursue. This helps to save valuable time and resources that may have been invested in unprofitable projects or opportunities.
Key Themes: Value Selling, Solution Based Selling
Target Group: Sales Representatives, Sales Managers,
Sales Support
Duration: 1 - 3 days
Class Size: 25 Participants
Key Concepts:
Opportunity Management
Sales Process Alignment
Client Relationship Management
Key Account Management
Value based sellng

Celemi Agile Move

In Agile Move, participants will learn to quickly adapt and respond to the changes in the business world. To drive success in an unpredictable world, applying agile ways of working is key.
Better ability to react to market changes
Increased customer satisfaction
Develop big-picture understanding – an agile mindset
Increased productivity
Lower cost of development
Shorter time to market
Products that solve real customer needs
Key Themes: Adopt, Customer Value, Leadership, Teamwork, Decision making
Target Group: Anyone who wants to understand and adpot agile principles
Time: 3 - 4 hours
Class Size: 25 Participants
Key Concepts:
Agile Leadership
Efficient Teams
Customer Value
Work flow
Learn and improve together
Value for effort - effectiveness